New comment from Sean Redmond
As a reminder, please remember to complete your patrol reports for last night and today's rainbow crosswalk patrols. Still need reports for the 2000-2300, 2300-0200, and 0800-1100 shift. Reason will be 'patrol' and narrative will be 'Rainbow Crosswalk Patrol'. Respectfully, Sean
Original Post by Sean Redmond
Rainbow Crosswalk Patrol
Greetings Patrol Volunteers!
This Saturday, January 11th, 1300-1430, the Rainbow Crosswalk will be dedicated at the Pride Plaza located at the Pride Flag on University Ave and Normal St. On Friday, January 10th the crosswalk will physically be installed by City of San Diego Public Works. Councilmember Ward’s office has requested our volunteer patrol service to watch over the crosswalk after installation on Friday night/Saturday morning from 1700-0200 and 0800-1100 to ensure it’s ready for the community dedication/celebration. This would be a static (no driving, just sitting in the patrol vehicle) patrol post with the vehicle parked at Pride Plaza inside the barricades closing the street off.
Is there interest in doing this? Shifts would be:
Friday, Jan 10th, 1700-2000
Friday, Jan 10th, 2000-2300
Friday, Jan 10th/Saturday, Jan 11th 2300-0200
Saturday, Jan 11th, 0800-1100
A minimum of two patrol volunteers is needed per shift. Shift change will occur at The Center parking lot. The uniform will be a patrol shirt (short or long sleeve) and patrol hat. If you need a long sleeve patrol shirt, please let me know your preferred size NLT Thursday, Jan 9th, 1700 (I need to go to the storage unit to pick the shirts up and Thursday night is my only available time to do this).
I need to let Councilmember Ward’s office know if we are going to do this NLT Tuesday, Jan 7th at 1600 (if we can’t, we can’t but I had to ask). My apologies for the short notice and quick turn around request. This happens in the community safety business every now and then.
Please respond to this message if you can patrol during any of the above dates and times.
comment made on…
Greetings Volunteers,
Thank you for your patience. It’s been a very interesting process working with so many community leaders, organizations and an ever-changing program. Here is the latest and most current program:
The patrol vehicle will depart The Center parking lot tomorrow at 1700, go west on Harvey Milk Street. The patrol vehicle will enter Normal Street southbound in the closed-off northbound lane. The patrol vehicle will be staged near the south end of the parking stall near the ‘pay station’ and the Pride Flag. It is preferred that the patrol vehicle remains on Normal Street for the duration of the patrol through Saturday, January 11th at 1100.
Patrol Volunteers can park at The Center and walk to Pride Plaza/Normal Street for their assigned shift. If this is an accessibility issue, please go direct with me via text at 619-990-5510 and arrangements will be made to transport you from The Center to the patrol site. This is not an issue so please don’t hesitate to reach out.
At 0200, Ken and Elaine, please return the patrol vehicle key to the lockbox at The Center. The patrol vehicle will remain at the Pride Plaza/Normal Street location backed in one of the parking stalls close to the crosswalk.
The crosswalk will be installed on Friday and then barricaded off. Please do not drive or walk on the newly installed crosswalk!!!
If there are any issues, you can contact SDPD Non-Emergency at 619-531-2000, option ‘*’ or my cell at 619-990-5510 (text or call).
Feel free to use the patrol vehicle for heat and shelter. There is no need to stand or be outside the patrol vehicle, but this is also a great opportunity to do community outreach if the public stops by. Also, feel free to move the patrol vehicle around the closed area at your discretion to stay vigilant or seen by the community.
Friday, Jan 10th, 1700-2000, Edwin & Sean
Friday, Jan 10th, 2000-2300, Yuo, Jessica S, & Logan
Friday, Jan 10th, 2300-0200, Ken & Elaine (text 619-990-5510 when the keys are secured in the lockbox)
Saturday, Jan 11th, 0800-1100, Doug, Jessica M, & David
Everyone is welcome to attend the community celebration on Saturday from 1300-1430. No need to wear your patrol shirt at the community celebration.
Thank you again for such a quick response and for being part of a very visible community event!!! SCP makes our community proud!!!