New comment from Edwin

I have read entire handbook there could be a few suggestions or changes

Original Post by Sean Redmond

Governance Ad Hoc Committee Introduction

Welcome to the Stonewall Citizens’ Patrol first ever Governance Ad Hoc Committee! At their April 7th meeting, the Board of Directors requested a complete review and recommended updates to be presented at their July 7th meeting. Documents included Bylaws, Patrol Volunteer Handbook, and Mission, Vision, and Core Value statements. All three are attached to this message. So, a lot to do in just under 3 months!
A Volunteer Hub Forum has been created for just members of this committee to see and comment on matters.
Meeting spaces are very limited, and our time is probably even more limited. I have currently reserved a meeting room at the Pride Office, 3620 30th St, San Diego, CA 92104 for Saturday, April 27th, 9am-noon; Sunday, June 2nd, 9am-noon; and Sunday, June 30th, 9am-noon. There are no rooms available at The Center before July 7th.
These are not ‘set’ times, but the limited spaces have been reserved. If we as the committee feel we need to meet more, or less, to be prepared for the July 7th meeting we can make the necessary arrangement.
We can also set up what we would like to do online within the Volunteer Hub Forum. Finally, we could also form who may want to lead and direct the discussion and manner in how we review.
Addresses for committee members on file are:
Edwin Lohr,
Doug Holk,
Sean Redmond,
Derrick Roach,
I look forward to working with each of you on bringing our documents up to speed and representing our organization as a community leader we are!

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Current Patrol Volunteer Handbook