Check-in 4.1.20

You have received a new message from Sean Redmond.

Greetings and welcome to April! I hope this check-in finds y’all well and in good spirits. For those that joined our webcast social last Saturday, it was great seeing and chatting with you! More webcast socials will be coming soon. If you have not already checked out our COVID-19 Community Resource button on our webpage, please do and share it with your family, friends, and other community organizations. One activity you can access from this button is the Census 2020. It takes about 5-10 minutes and ensures everyone gets counted and resources allocated. 10 minutes of your time to build the next 10 years! Thank you to Gabriel Sotomayor, Social Media Leader for keeping our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages fresh and informative! Our patrols are still on hold due to the stay and home directive, but with each new day we adjust our operations here at SCP to ensure our community stays safe and informed. So, you can do your part by sharing all our social media posts. Don’t forget to log in to Volunteer Hub for more information on SCP functions. Finally, don’t hesitate to reach out via email or text/call 619-990-5510. Respectfully, Sean