New post from Sean Redmond
SDGMC – The Music of Cher Show
SDGMC – Cher Patrols
We are still looking for at least one more patrol volunteer for Saturday, July 27th, 1915-2215 (7:15-10:15pm) patrol for the SDGMC – Cher patrol in downtown at the Balboa Theater; and at least two patrol volunteers for the Sunday, July 28th, 1415-1715 (2:15-5:15pm) SDGMC – Cher patrol in downtown at the Balboa Theater. These patrols are in cooperation with SDGMC as a community partner, and a great opportunity for our patrol to be seen by at least 2,600 guests. Patrols would be in addition/cooperation with SDFD, SDPD, Balboa Safety, and Balboa private security units. Since the Pulse Nightclub shooting, our presence as an extra set of ‘eyes and ears’ has been requested by SDGMC and the community to ease the stress of guests to the shows that change and empower our community through music! Please consider volunteering for this patrol. You can sign-up by replying to this message. Each patrol starts and ends at The Center’s parking lot.