New post from Sean Redmond
Patrol & Current Events
Busy week, and months, ahead for the LGBTQ community. The Supreme Court is going to hear 3 cases about LGBTQ employment discrimination. Their decision in the months to follow (probably mid-late June 2020) will determine whether LGBTQ workers are protected under federal civil rights law. With just some states protecting LGBTQ civil rights, there are still 26 states with residents that are not covered by any protections. So yes, this is going to be a big deal for millions of citizens, but especially for LGBTQ citizens.
I ask that you take a moment to think about the cases before the Supreme Court and consider the following:
1) Read up! Go to https://www.ourdayincourt.org/
2) Sign up for the Virtual Town Hall for a debrief at 1700 PT /2000 ET! https://www.ourdayincourt.org/townhall.html
3) Follow along on Tuesday through respectful and well-informed media channels.
4) Support your LGBTQ friends. Whenever LGBTQ issues are in the news, our community faces a spike in hate speech from all over the place. Having our literal lives and identities debated for value at the highest court is rough! I ask that you check in on your LGBTQ friends’ citizens.
5) With the spike in hate speech comes the chances for some to take it a step further and act upon such speech. Our patrols are always important, but in these uncertain times, they are even more. Our extra set of eyes and ears for the community play a crucial role in community safety and our presence may even deter a hate crime to occur.
Please take a moment to reflect on the reasons you joined SCP and your present involvement. SCP asks for, and you agreed at the time of applying, a minimum of 3-hours per month. You honoring your commitment is vital not only to SCP but to our community.
If you haven’t responded to whether you can make the All Hands Meeting on Saturday, October 26th, 0900-1200, please do so. If this is your only 3 hours you have for the month of October, that is fine! We look forward to seeing you on the 26th.
If you can give more time this month, please go to Volunteer Hub, Volunteer Forum, and post that you are looking for a patrol partner, on a certain date and time. We just need you to honor your commitment or let us know.
Finally, if you just need to talk, let someone know! My number is 619-990-5510 if I am that ‘someone’ for you!
Let look out for each other!