New comment from Elaine

Thank you. I am honored to be able to engage and serve with such an amazing group of community minded people.

Original Post by Sean Redmond

Welcome 'Volunteer Team Leader'

Please join me in welcoming our new Volunteer Team Leader, Elaine Lewis. Elaine currently is a Patrol Volunteer and brings with them years and experience of volunteer engagement. The Volunteer Team is organized under the Outreach Department of the SCP Organizational Structure. A few projects for Elaine will include short and long term volunteer development, coordinated marketing with other SCP departments, and approach program development with our mission, vision, and core values. One of Elaine’s first projects is revising our Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). There will be a quick 4-6 minute survey coming in your email. Please set a few minutes aside and help provide feedback on this important project. Elaine will also be reaching out to volunteers from time to time to assist with volunteer development.

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Thank you, Elaine and Sean!!!