New comment from Donovan Ackley III

Thank you for this beautiful message — honest and inspiring

Original Post by Sean Redmond

2021 Message

Greetings SCP volunteers,
Happy 2021! With 2020 in the rearview mirror, I just wanted to take a moment to reflect. Last year tested our organization and community in ways few of us could have imagined. Probably like you, I have uttered a few four-letter words in 2020.
While it is clear the pandemic still has a grasp on our community, I am finding two new four-letter words to usher in 2021.
The first is hope.
Hope in science, medicine, and technology.
Hope in our democratic process and our capacity for bridge-building.
Hope in you – community volunteers across our community who have not only weathered 2020 but have done so while continuing to serve our communities in remarkable ways.
However, do not misunderstand my optimism.
Having hope does not mean that I am saying everything will be fine in the end, or that things will go back to ‘normal’ this year, or even years, from now.
In 2020, we witnessed incalculable loss. Recovery is certain to be slow, and we will not, fully at least, ever return to the way things were.
But, with determination, and the abundance of creativity that exists within our organization and community, I know we will find a wealth of opportunities for positive and lasting change.
Stonewall Citizens’ Patrol can be leaders in rebuilding, to be the promise for recovery, and catalysts for reimagining our communities.
We can foster understanding, empathy, and belonging. We can illuminate and elevate the voices and histories of those whose stories have not been told. We can help to fill critical community safety gaps for those who do not feel they are represented.
There is no place for hesitation or fear in the next steps we, as an organization, will take.
Therein lies my second four-letter work for 2021: bold
We need to boldly challenge the status quo, rethink outdated models, and lift the many brave volunteers across our community to lead us into new frontiers and recovery.
Stonewall Citizens’ Patrol is going to be with you every step of the way through recovery and rebuilding.
I want to thank you for all each of you have done and continue to do to make our community a safe place for all.
Thank you for being part of Stonewall Citizens’ Patrol. There is no Stonewall Citizens’ Patrol without you.
Jackson and I wish you a happy, safe, and healthy 2021!
Sean Redmond

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SEan and assistant Jackson, we so appreciate what you do for this organization. The timeless hours you spend making sure all tasks and effort go into making this a valuable respected nonprofit in our communities.
I look forward to the challenges and accomplishments 2021 will bring.
Together in unity, we will be stronger than ever.